When you dream about a new kitchen, what do you picture? Marble countertops? Custom-stained cabinetry? A magnificent French range? You are probably not immediately besotted with a particular style of range hood, though, right? Ah, but that is the one element with the power to tie it all together. The range hood can be the difference maker. The focal point in a kitchen full of understated elements. Or the quiet place in a showstopper kitchen where special details abound in the cabinetry, fixtures or counters, or, the striking range or backsplash right below it.
Like many elements of a kitchen, the range hood serves a specific purpose and is restrained by any number of code requirements, depending on where you reside. But here’s the thing about range hoods. Beyond those codes, the options are, quite literally, endless. We start with a basic hood insert, and then will revisit the custom choices for the finished design dozens of times. Endless study goes into discovering the balance of the right shape and material for each individual kitchen. There is no one size fits all. And this is where our designers really shine. When we talked about this blog post, Joanna, one of our lead designers, called range hoods “a designer’s paradise.” It’s an area where our collaborative team delights in coming together to create *just* the right hood for your kitchen.
Will it be copper? Brass? Stone? Or designed as cabinetry? Plaster? Fluted? Squared? Should there be a trim detail? We have experimented with all of these materials and more for a completely custom hood for each project. This can be the functional art for your kitchen. Don’t overlook it!
See some of the custom range hoods we created for previous projects in the gallery below.