Many of us just returned from spring break – we know some of you still have breaks upcoming – but we are already dreaming of our next vacations. So, this week, consider this a travel blog as we highlight a few of the places our team escaped to recently!
We talked a lot about the women on our team last week, in honor of Women’s History Month. But Park & Oak also employs two very talented men, who help balance the scales a bit here. Martino is our man-of-many-hats Studio Manager and Design Assistant, and David is our Web Developer. They just returned from a group trip to Puerto Vallarta, with photos that are the envy of the rest of us. We thought you might like to live vicariously through them as well!
The Accommodations
This stunning Airbnb did not disappoint!

The Village of Amapas

The Eating & Drinking
Cafe de Artistes

Mar Y Vino


Go book your trip!